Khalk reversed
Khalk is the letter “k”
There is no rune poem for Khalk. It is a northumbrian rune.
While there is no rune poem for Khalk, I recently came across another method of divination, which I have started experimenting with. I recently acquired a translation of Greek magical papyri, which are spells, rituals and esoteric lore from ancient Egypt during its period of Greek domination, which was most of Egypt from Alexander until the fall of Rome. This period created a blending of religion and spiritual beliefs, primarily of Greek and Egyptian, but also of various middle eastern religious and spiritual beliefs. It is from this combining that Hermetic lore evolved, and these texts are an example of that lore. In this book there was an entry titled “The Homeric Oracle” short phrases taken from the works of Homer (The Iliad, The Odyssey) arranged on a system of three, six-sided lots or dice. One rolls the lots, and the number that comes up (being a combination of any number 1-6 3 times) and then consults the listing. The short quote is then the answer you are looking for. Out of context they can seem odd and strange, but when used in a reading, they might give some interesting advice. Today’s quote from Homer came from the Odyssey Ch 21 line 293:
“It is wine that wounds thee, honey-sweet wine, which works harm to others too” or in another translation “Honey-Sweet wine has the best of thee, which others also”
This quote comes from the ending of the Odyssey, in which Odysseus has returned to Ithaca, and entered his home in disguise as a beggar, to slay the suitors who seek his wife and property. The suitors think of him as a beggar, and accuse him of drunkenness, for desiring to string the bow that only Odysseus could string.
Khalk reversed, the overturned cup, combined with a statement about being drunk, to a man who has hidden his true identity, and presented an illusion to people who seek something that is unattainable. I think the two systems have wonderfully complemented each other. Illusion, deception, intoxication, khalk reversed indicates that things are not what they appear to be. Dreams are presented as reality, While falsity is made desirable. Are you thinking clearly and soberly, or is your mind influenced by your senses that have been altered and deceived?
Khalk is the letter “k”
There is no rune poem for Khalk. It is a northumbrian rune.
While there is no rune poem for Khalk, I recently came across another method of divination, which I have started experimenting with. I recently acquired a translation of Greek magical papyri, which are spells, rituals and esoteric lore from ancient Egypt during its period of Greek domination, which was most of Egypt from Alexander until the fall of Rome. This period created a blending of religion and spiritual beliefs, primarily of Greek and Egyptian, but also of various middle eastern religious and spiritual beliefs. It is from this combining that Hermetic lore evolved, and these texts are an example of that lore. In this book there was an entry titled “The Homeric Oracle” short phrases taken from the works of Homer (The Iliad, The Odyssey) arranged on a system of three, six-sided lots or dice. One rolls the lots, and the number that comes up (being a combination of any number 1-6 3 times) and then consults the listing. The short quote is then the answer you are looking for. Out of context they can seem odd and strange, but when used in a reading, they might give some interesting advice. Today’s quote from Homer came from the Odyssey Ch 21 line 293:
“It is wine that wounds thee, honey-sweet wine, which works harm to others too” or in another translation “Honey-Sweet wine has the best of thee, which others also”
This quote comes from the ending of the Odyssey, in which Odysseus has returned to Ithaca, and entered his home in disguise as a beggar, to slay the suitors who seek his wife and property. The suitors think of him as a beggar, and accuse him of drunkenness, for desiring to string the bow that only Odysseus could string.
Khalk reversed, the overturned cup, combined with a statement about being drunk, to a man who has hidden his true identity, and presented an illusion to people who seek something that is unattainable. I think the two systems have wonderfully complemented each other. Illusion, deception, intoxication, khalk reversed indicates that things are not what they appear to be. Dreams are presented as reality, While falsity is made desirable. Are you thinking clearly and soberly, or is your mind influenced by your senses that have been altered and deceived?
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