Saturday, June 26, 2010

Good-ness Gracious!

Recently I have been feeling the desire to create some magical/condition products (oils, powders, incense etc…). Part of my training is in African American Folk Magic (via Lucky Mojo) and that is the system I prefer to use when I create such products. What has been calling me recently is the desire to create some products for general benevolence, and also attracting benevolent spirits. To that end I created two items, that currently only exist in an oil form.

The first one I call “All Good Things.” It is a very sweet scented oil that attracts benevolent affection, good spirits, and uplifted mental state. When I first created it the scent was nice, but after sitting for a few hours (and a good healthy empowerment blessing) the scent transformed into this wonderful odor. I have only used it once, but my experience after wearing it showed a general increase of helpful and benevolent experiences for the remainder of the day.

The second oil I named “Good Spirits.” Good Spirits name indicates what it is meant to attract. The attention and aid of good spirits, benevolent unseen helpers, spirit guides, helpful ancestral spirits, spiritual guardians and pretty much any kind of incorporeal intelligence that is beneficial, benevolent and well, good. I recently used it on a candy for a spiritual ally of mine, and I found our connection clear, strong and empowered. I think it also helped to strengthen the spiritual ally as well, and so it might figure as a way to anoint offerings and gifts to benevolent spirits that you may wish to call, or are already apart of your spiritual practice.


  1. Those sound like great formulas Brother Christopher. I really like the titles you chose for them. I'd be interested to hear about some of the ingredients you chose for the "Good Spirits" formula, if you are willing to share.

  2. well for good spirits I definitely included archangel root, and a bunch of other herbs with names that related to holy, blessed or sacred.
